THC and Health: The Unexpected Benefits You Might Be Surprised to Learn

image Sense It Eve THC and Health: The Unexpected Benefits You Might Be Surprised to Learn

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is one of the main psychoactive compounds found in cannabis. It’s what gives the plant its unique smell and taste, as well as what causes it to have a euphoric or “high” effect when consumed. In addition to that, research suggests that THC may be useful for treating a wide range of medical conditions. So what are these health benefits of THC? Read on to learn more.

image Sense It Eve THC and Health: The Unexpected Benefits You Might Be Surprised to Learn

Image Source: Aphiwat chuangchoem on Pexels

Pain Reduction

THC may support immune function in a few different ways. First, it may help with pain management. For example, if you have arthritis, you may find that smoking THC not only reduces your pain, but also boosts your immune system. This is because cannabinoids found in cannabis may help to inhibit inflammation by blocking certain receptors that trigger inflammation. Pain relief is a really important part of overall health, but very few pain-relief medications are safe for long-term use. Marijuana, on the other hand, is a natural pain reliever with few negative side effects. A few studies have found that individuals who use marijuana for pain reduction have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This could be because cortisol is associated with high blood pressure, a condition that can lead to heart disease.

Mood Enhancer

Mood is a huge factor in human health, so it’s no surprise that THC is believed to be helpful in increasing your mood. You may notice this if you use it as a “feel good” drug during therapy or to help reduce anxiety before an important event like an exam or job interview. If the dose is correct, THC can be used as a natural medicine instead of an intoxicating substance. More and more people start using medical marijuana every day.

Sedative and Sleep Aid

Another important health benefit of THC is for sleep. Sleep disorders are one of the most common health concerns today, and there are many different treatments available. However, most are associated with negative side effects, like daytime drowsiness, or a higher risk of developing a sleep disorder like insomnia. THC, however, may help to reduce drowsiness and improve sleep quality. This will vastly improve your overall quality of life.

Visionary Aid

THC may improve your vision, so if you have age-related or eye-related health concerns like macular degeneration or glaucoma, or even just sensitive eyes, you may find that it helps to improve your vision. If you’re tired of constantly trying different sensitive eye makeup, this might be for you. Some research suggests that THC may be useful for preventing these conditions, as well as for reducing intraocular pressure, which is the pressure in the eye caused by the build-up of fluid. This could be useful for people suffering from conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, or diabetes, as any of these conditions may lead to vision loss.

Cancer Treatment

THC has been used for decades to treat cancer. The reason for this is that it inhibits growth of tumors by blocking certain receptors that cells need to grow and divide. This is a very useful property for people suffering from cancer, as the disease often causes cells to grow out of control. Obviously, this is a much more extreme use for THC, but it is interesting that it can be this useful!

Where to Begin?

If you’re interested in the various benefits of THC but don’t want to fully commit to cannabis, we have the perfect way for you to try it out. Delta 9 is a form of purer THC that can serve as an introduction to the world of Marijuana. Delta 9 THC Gummies will allow you to experience cannabis without even having to inhale anything.

Till next time…take care…xoxo.

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