Yoga vs Pilates: The 8 Key Similarities and Differences

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In most social circles, you’ll hear the fitness activities known as ‘Yoga’ and ‘Pilates’ used interchangeably. Unless you’re a die-hard fan of either, you’ll probably think of them both as the same thing; sitting and standing on mats and stretching in different ways to relaxing music. In many cases, you’re not wrong.

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That being said, there are some key differences between yoga and pilates, as well as similarities, so to help you understand the differences between them both, here are the eight factors you need to know.

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1. Difference – Yoga for Breath, Pilates for Movement:

While the actions of yoga & pilates are both similar, a key difference is that in yoga, the primary goal is to stay connected to your breath in every pose you take, whereas in pilates, there’s a much greater focus when it comes to being as precise as possible with your movements.

2. Similar – Both Use Props:

Yes, both yoga and pilates are typically practiced on mats, but this isn’t just it. Both practices can use a collection of tools to enhance the practice, such as cushions, straps, balls, and blocks, that allow you to achieve more.

3. Difference – Different Goals:

Yoga mainly focuses on increasing both your flexibility and strength while you’re practicing, whereas pilates is more about building strength. Sure, you get all the benefits from both practices, but the intensity of which is what varies.

4. Similar – It’s About the Journey, Not the End:

In both practices, you’ll be taught it’s not about getting to an ‘end goal’ or destination like you would when running a race, but instead, it’s about the journey and each moment of the practice being valued for what it is.

5. Difference – Posture Differences:

While there are exceptions, in yoga, the majority of poses are practiced standing up, whereas, in pilates, most poses are taken laying down where gravity can be used to enhance each movement.

6. Similar – Both Mind-Body Exercises:

Both yoga and pilates are practiced in a way that isn’t just good for your body and your mental wellbeing, but also for helping to maintain a healthy mind. In the fast-paced, stressful, and uptight world we live in, practicing one or the other is as essential as any other form of exercise and self-care. To learn more about self-care, check out conservehealth.

7. Difference – Various Breathing Techniques:

While we briefly touched on this above, the breathing techniques differ from yoga to pilates. Yoga will mainly use Asana breathing practices whereas pilates breathing is much slower, like yoga, although fast, rapid, and controlled breathing is encouraged at various stages.

8. Similar – Physical Benefits:

Both yoga and pilates for bringing a number of physical health benefits into your life when you practice them, such as improving the circulation of blood around your body and helping to keep your body oxygenated. The practices also have a priority of keeping you in the present moment and helping to relieve the mind of stress.

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Summary – Yoga vs Pilates:

It’s easy to see that both yoga and pilates have benefits that are similar to each other, but there are also some key differences that separate the two. No matter which you prefer, it’s safe to say that both practices are right for you and can bring numerous benefits to your life.

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