Hair Secrets That I Stole From My Granny


We love it when our elders tell us secrets that actually work for our skin and hair! There are chemicals in the products that we use nowadays. They might make us temporarily contented, however, the sad reality remains that it is damaging our skin and hair. I always used to observe what my granny used to apply to her scalp, these weren’t branded products. The day I asked her about her haircare secrets, she disclosed what she had been applying to her scalp to get Long, healthy, and shiny hair!

It is said that our hair needs a lot of care to grow healthy, well it is definitely true. Initially, I was skeptical towards the haircare secrets that my granny had told me about, however, gradually I started to visually see the results on my own hair. From dry and frizzy hair, my hair transformed to strong, soft, and Long. Let me share some of the secrets that my granny told me about.

Untold Hairfall Solution – Fenugreek

The species in your kitchen do more than you think. Many don’t know that Fenugreek can be a lifesaver when it comes to Hairfall. There is a way you can treat hair fall without using chemicals, use my granny’s secret, and make this mask.

1. Soak fenugreek seeds and let them rest overnight in a cool place. (2 tablespoons)

2. Grind the soaked seeds and form a paste using the same soaked – water

3. Apply the paste to the roots and leave it for roughly 20 minutes. 

4. Wash with a mild shampoo

Anti Frizz Secret – Coconut Oil

Have you ever noticed your hair quality degrade over a period of time? Wear and tear on your hair by styling, grooming, the weather, and pollutants can damage it to great extent. This can make growing longer hair difficult, as your hair can become more worn and tired the longer it gets.

Coconut oil can act as a lifesaver by – 

  • Moisturizing your roots and decreasing breakage
  • Creating a protein shield for your hair
  •  Protecting from damage when wet 
  • Guarding your hair against natural harm like the breeze, sun, and smoke 

To benefit from coconut oil, you’ll likely have to make it an ordinary piece of your routine.

Damage Repair Hair Secret – Amla and Shikakai

A go-to answer for creating a shield for your hair from root to end is a mix of Ayurveda’s two best fixings – Shikakai and Amla. Both the ingredients are wealthy in anti-oxidants, further, amla helps keep hair healthy by warding off the damage. 

How To Use These Ingredients To Your Advantage

Mix together a large portion of some Shikakai and Amla powder, further add tepid water to make a mask. Allow the mask to rest on your hair for 30 minutes and rinse it off with cold water. Using this mask regularly will ensure you are rid of dry and damaged hair. Use every alternative day for the best result. 

These were a few of the hair secrets that I took from my granny, try them and let me know what you think about them. Also, share your hair care secrets in the comment section below!

1 Comment

  1. Hello senseiteve information or the article which u had posted was simply superb and awesome and to say one thing that this was one of the best information which I had seen and came across so far, thanks for the information #BGLAMHAIRSTUDIO

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