At-Home Laser Hair Removal Myths
Well well!!! here i am with some information to make your choice easier for laser hair removal…Now you can decide if you want to go for at home laser hair removal or you are over expecting. On my last visit to salon I read about at-home laser hair removal device in a magazine and it intrigued me so here I am with some information to share with you all.
The laser hair removal movement is one that started decades ago with professional devices. At first, those devices were somewhat unreliable and not well trusted, but today’s professional cosmetic laser procedures are top-notch. Few people would argue how well they work, but not everyone can afford the time or money it takes to have them done. That’s why at-home laser hair removal devices are equally popular, but so are the myths surrounding them. If you’re thinking of trying at-home laser hair removal devices, here are some myths that could change your mind.
They Are Just as Strong as Professional Devices
Professional medical lasers are built to produce high-intensity heat and light. They are called professional devices for a reason. They should only be operated by skilled, trained professionals who have been properly certified. The hand-held at-home counterparts you may see online or on store shelves are nowhere near as strong or accurate as the machines you see in cosmetic procedure clinics.
They Remove All Hair Follicles Permanently, Preventing Regrowth
Even professional hair removal laser equipment can’t always permanently remove hair follicles. So, it should come as no surprise that at-home contraptions can’t. Most of them emit just enough heat and light to get rid of the hair that shows on the surface of your skin, but they can’t get down to the roots. That means that, although the devices may be faster than shaving, they are about as effective. So, you can expect the hair to grow back just as quickly as it does when you shave.
They All Work Equally Well and in the Exact Same Way
If you think about any group of similar products on today’s market, whether it be breakfast cereals, shampoos, or even refrigerators, can you honestly say that every product in a given category is the same and works just as well as every other product in that category? Of course not! The same is true when it comes to at-home lasers. Some work better than others, but they have one thing in common. None of them work as well as professional machines designed for business use.
They Are the Only Way to Get Close to Professional Results at Home
Even though they don’t work as well as professional aesthetic lasers, you might think at-home devices are as close as you can get, but you could be wrong. In certain parts of the country, anyone is allowed to own a medical-grade laser, as long as they have been certified and trained in how to use it. So, you could potentially take classes and get your own professional device to use at home.
That being said, the laws do vary in different areas. So, if your state won’t allow it, you might want to consider going to your local clinic and having your unwanted hair removed by the experts. But regardless of what you choose to do, be sure to do some more research ahead of time. That way you can get the results that you want as quickly as possible.
So Ladies Let me know your thoughts in comment section below
Till next time..take care..xoxo.
Hmm I wonder if such devices are available in India at the moment
Great information anu..I did not know about at home laser devices at all
I didn’t know about at-home laser hair removal, great efforts you have put in posting this information
Such an interesting and informative post . I was looking for a hair removal treatement from Kaya skin clinic.
such an informative post, thanks for sharing
I did not know that laser hair removal can be done at home!!! i always thought that it should be done by professionals. Thanks for the information. I’m never going to try it by myself
I have heard of a machine TRIA which is best for laser hair removal at home.. i might pick it up
nice post
I had no idea about at home laser devices…That’s pretty interesting! Thank you for sharing this info
A friend just mentioned this device a few days back..I don’t remember the brand but it was approx $400. I would still go to a professional. Thanks for post Anu!
That brand must be Tria..
useful info dear
are such at-home devices available in india? even if they, they would be costing a fortune! do let me know if you find any