Every woman is wonder woman in one or the other way. They manage house, family, jobs, themselves and take care of everyone around them. Everyone of them has something extraordinary and I believe a home can not function without them. They do so much and care so much for people around them and many times without even portraying it out loud. So today’s post is my salute to every wonder woman

Everyone talks about feminism and women empowerment but very few know actual meaning of these words. Feminism or women empowerment is not just about wearing what you want or doing what you want but it has more deeper definition than that. It is about acknowledging the presence of a woman and equality of them and celebrating it. More about acknowledging the things women do to make lives of people around them and it is about acknowledging the superpowers they have. Whether a woman is a stay at home mom or a motorcycle accident lawyer, it is about treating them with the respect you expect from others. I can go on and on. In short women empowerment is more than just protesting and rebelling.

My Wonder Woman OOTD:

- T-shirt : Wonder Women, Myntra
- Jeans : H&M
- Jacket: H&M
- Shoes: NIKE Netherlands.
- Bag: Random shop (Checkout some amazing bags at Baginning).
- Shades: H&M

Celebrate the wonder woman in you and wonder women in your life That’s it for the day…you can check out more outfit posts here… Till next time…take care…xoxo.
I couldn’t agree more! Loved reading the post and you are looking gorgeous as always
Thank you ana
I love your outfit! You look amazing!
Thank you so much <3