The basic misconception among individuals is that usage of cosmetics makes you confident. Well, let’s break this thought chain.
The Confidence in you is not defined by how beautiful you look, it is actually how much you believe in yourself!

Is Using Cosmetics The Real Issue?
Many women across the globe are conscious of having a poor body image. Since they are captured by the belief of low self-belief, carrying make-up is something they are able to do fast. Hence, they quickly trade their appearance to increasing confidence.
Our Society judges us constantly on a daily basis, therefore we try to make changes in the way we appear. Many individuals may feel shallow by comparing their looks with others, this automatically puts them in a caparison spot which leads to low self-confidence. Once people start pointing out things about your appearance, for example – body shape and size, you get conscious about yourself and end up trying to fulfill their expectations of being ‘perfect’. Hence, the concept of using makeup is not the issue, but the reasons for using it are questionable.

Cosmetics And Creativity
By using exceptional products, ladies can use makeup to explore and paint their very own individuality. Women of the younger generation practice unique looks for day and night looks, basic looks, and appearances for special occasions. The creativity to do so has uplifted the cosmetic industry and has also made people explore their talents!

Many women also wear makeup with the notion of undoubtedly having an effect on their stage of physical attractiveness. Though the attractiveness may visually increase by using makeup, yet the confidence to carry yourself comes from within. Makeup holds the possibility for a lady to personally remodel herself, resulting in attractive growth. The feeling of being attractive not only makes one feel good about oneself but also makes him/her believe that they can stand out.
Unfold The Right Approach
A lady’s initial experimentation with cosmetics is in early life is the direction of growing her own female identity. Cosmetics are considered to be a frequent tool used for social self-presentation and self-image management. Adolescent and college-age women carrying make-up is a result of their challenge for competing with societal expectations. Such use of facial cosmetics may additionally help to boost a female’s experience of confidence. However, it will, in the end, result in dependency on cosmetics.
The reason for you using cosmetics should be never to match the expectations of beauty that society has set, but for your own personal self. Let’s not get defined by makeup, instead ensure that you define makeup in your own way. The usage of cosmetics can be to show your creativity, to enhance yourself for your own self and to explore, nevertheless, you should feel as confident as you are without/with makeup.

I am personally a makeup lover and exploring a variety of cosmetics gives me joy, but I have never let my confidence get defined by visual attractiveness. Society has set standards for size, shape, complexion, etc, but do not fall for it. Fall for only one thing, and that is the beauty in you! till next time…tc…xoxo