Tip of the week: How to fix your new dried up Mascara


Tip of the week: How to fix your new dried up Mascara

Hola Ladies,

How’s your week going so far? Mine is not going so well 🙁 Accidentally broke my cellphone so feeling like a handicapped person 🙁 Anyways here i am with a useful “Tip of the week”.

Normally it is suggested to discard your mascara if it starts to get thick and clumpy if you have been using it for a while… But what will you do if you purchased a new mascara and when you open it to apply you find that it is dried up/thickened in consistency? Well I won’t throw it out for sure.. so here i am with tried and tested super-easy method to fix your dried up mascara.

Fix your new dried up mascara 1

Take your regular eye-drops the one which you use daily to keep your eyes healthy (If you are too skeptical about infections take anti-bacterial eye-drops :P) and pour 4-5 drops of it in your mascara bottle(quantity of eye-drops to mix depends upon mascara quantity and how much you want to dilute your mascara), close the cap and shake well…tadaaa your brand new mascara is ready to use 🙂

Fix your new dried up mascara

I have personally tried this method and it is cheapest and safest fix as you are mixing your eye-drops so no additional chemicals which are harmful for eyes. 🙂

So Ladies this is my tip on “How to fix your new dried up Mascara?”..let me know if you have used this fix before? Do you find this tip useful? Drop your comments in comment section..till next time..take care…xoxo

Image Source: Google images


  1. I actually never “fix” my mascara. I stick to the 3 month rule and toss it out. I have such fears of bacteria in mascara and my eyes coming in contact that I don’t risk it.

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