The Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner

The Body Shop SeaWeed Oil-Balancing Toner

Hey everyone! Today I’m finally getting around to reviewing The Body Shop’s Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner, and guess what? I’m nearly finished with the bottle! That tells you something, right? Let’s dive into the details about The Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner.

The Body Shop SeaWeed Toner Combination-Oily Skin

About The Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner:

The Body Shop Sea Weed Toner
The Body Shop SeaWeed Toner Info


The Body Shop Sea Weed Toner Ingredients


The Body Shop SeaWeed Toner Review Sense It Eve The Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner
The Body Shop SeaWeed Toner Packaging


The Body Shop SeaWeed Toner Texture


  • Lightweight & Refreshing: Just like the reviewer in the short mentioned, this toner feels super lightweight on the skin. It’s perfect for those hot summer days or humid weather when you need a quick pick-me-up.
  • Non-Stripping: A big plus! This toner cleanses without leaving your skin feeling dry or tight. It does its job without being harsh.


  • Limited Oil Control: Here’s where I have to disagree with the marketing a bit. While it does cleanse and refresh, I didn’t experience a dramatic reduction in oiliness throughout the day.
  • Foaming Woes: This might be a dealbreaker for some. The reviewer in the short mentioned the toner foaming when applied with hands. I can confirm this! If you prefer a toner you can directly apply to your face, this might not be the best choice.
The Body Shop SeaWeed Oil-Balancing Toner

Final Verdict: 4/5

This toner is a decent option, especially for those with mild oily or combination skin looking for a lightweight cleanser. It refreshes and cleanses without stripping the skin. However, if you’re struggling with serious oil control issues, you might need something more targeted. The foaming situation might also be a turn-off for some.

Bonus Tip: If you do decide to try this toner, consider using cotton pads for application to avoid the foaming issue.

I hope this review helps you decide if The Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner is right for you!

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